white rhino cannabis strain

Strain Review – White Rhino Marijuana Strain

Strain Review – White Rhino Marijuana Strain White Rhino is a potent Indica-dominant marijuana strain. Don’t be confused by the use of “white”, though its nugs have been described as “silvery-white”, the strain itself is still the light to dark green you’d expect from your cannabis. In fact, its namesake comes from the fact that…

hemp wick

Hemp Wick & How To Use It

Hemp Wick & How To Use It When it’s time to kick back and enjoy your marijuana, if you’re smoking, you’ll need something to light it. Of course, you can always rely on your typical lighter. But, sometimes you might want to venture further afield and get a bit creative. And when you do, it’s…

edibles vs smoking

Edibles vs. Smoking

Edibles vs. Smoking Edibles and smoking are easily the two giants of the marijuana world. At least when we’re talking about popular perceptions of cannabis. When you see weed in the media, on TV or film, you’ll likely see one of these methods – despite all the other wonderful options on offer. But, other than…

what is a budtender

What The Heck Is A Budtender?

What The Heck Is A Budtender? Think cannabis. Now think bartender. Put them together and you get… a budtender. Or maybe a better description would be a personal shopper for all things weed-related. Whatever your preferred metaphor – you get the gist. Budtenders are the trained rank and file of any dispensary or pot shop…

cannabis hash

All About Hash

All About Hash These are all terms you’ve probably heard thousands of times over without really thinking about it. Many people would just assume they are all the same. After all, weed is well-known for having a million nicknames for itself and its many variants. But no! Hash is actually quite different from the regular…

shatter vs wax whats the difference

Wax vs. Shatter

Wax vs. Shatter Where smoking once ruled the roost in cannabis circles, dabbing and vaping is quickly becoming the most popular method of consumption. Many experts predict sales of concentrates will exceed bud in the near future and it’s not hard to see why – the intensity, depth of flavor and variety of uses that…

cannabis entourage effect

Terpenoids And The Entourage Effect

Terpenoids And The Entourage Effect If you’re new to the industry or the cannabis experience, you may have heard the word terpenoid or terpene make its way into conversation and clam up with no idea what it is referring to. Truthfully, a lot of people do. Though, these days it’s hard to speak to anyone…


Including Kief In Your Cannabis Experience

Including Kief In Your Cannabis Experience You may not know it, but if you’re a cannabis user, you’ve probably got everything you need to take your experience to the next level. If you grind your buds, then you may have noticed a unique substance filling it. Grinders often contain a chamber that collects kief, though…

how to store cannabis

How To Store Your Stash

How To Store Your Stash Knowing how to store weed correctly is easily the most important aspect of using it. Storing it incorrectly can reduce its flavor, potency and in the worse cases grow mold, making it unsafe to smoke. Irritatingly, there is a lot of misinformation out there on storage techniques, and many of…

cannabis honey oil

A Comprehensive Guide to Honey Oil

A Comprehensive Guide to Honey Oil So, if you’re looking to try something new, you need to consider concentrates. Compared to smoking with pipes or bongs, concentrates like wax or honey oil can have between 10% and 50% more THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Naturally, this means much higher hits. But where should you begin? Unlike when they…